Monday, November 24, 2008

jamming time again

We had our jamming session last weekend at our favorite studio in Bangi. This time our guitarist came all the way from penang for this. well, actually he came down to KL for something more important but then he brought together his new gadgets to town so we rocked for 3 hours. We had a lot of fun. i can't tell how many songs we did, must be like 20 songs or so. we started of with some slow numbers, out of respect for the ladies perhaps. yeah, ladies. one of them even brought her mum along, or so i heard. they left after singing 2 songs. i think it's too loud for them.

we moved to more hard-rocking numbers from sweet charity & dio, among others, before calming down to our normal jamming songs, ending with an alleycat's favorite. musically we didn't hit the notes right but who cares as long as we had a lot of fun. i fell that i've lost touch with the guitar & keyboard, having stopped practicing for sometime. i guess i need to practice regularly at home again...

btw, i'm really impressed with our guitarist's new gadget. a boss (i think) multi-fx & the sweet looking & sounding (& expensive!) epiphone les paul prophecy