Friday, October 24, 2008

GPS re-visit

do you know that you can do much more with GPS than navigation? here are some other things that I do with the help of GPS :
  • digital speedometer. i'd say it tells your car speed better than your car's speedometer
  • prayer direction. yeah, pretty simple & make sense really. since muslims pray in the direction of mecca, just make a mark of mecca (or kaabah to be specific) on your gps map & point your current location towards it & walla you got your qiblat direction accurately, much more reliable & accurate than your magnetic compass. the gps location for kaabah is N21deg 25.351min, E39deg 49.573min
  • speed traps warning. get your latest speed cam location from malsing map (yeah, them again!) downloaded to your phones. with the right software, you will be warned of your coming speed cameras on the road. pretty cool, yeah?

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